Chapel Life

Chapel Life

The Heart of the School

Southwell School is a school with an Anglican ethos, however we accept students from all backgrounds with our values based education a priority. We have a resident Chaplain who conducts services for students and staff on most days that the school is open. At Chapel Services, Chaplain inspires and challenges students with stories from many faith traditions; prayers for wisdom, compassion, healing and comfort are offered; separate Girls’ and Boys’ Choirs lead the worship.

Chaplain plays a positive role in developing the full potential of the students. Our Chaplain also teaches religious education classes and helps students at each age level to understand aspects of Christian tradition and how faith relates to everyday life. Topics include belonging, caring, forgiving, thanking, serving, remembering and hoping

Holy Baptism (Christening)

Baptism is a sacrament through which Christians become one with Christ and the Church.  For Anglicans, Baptism has always been an integral part of the faith journey.

Baptism can occur at any stage of life.  At Southwell, there is an annual voluntary Baptism service.  Each candidate receives their own personalised baptism candle, a baptism certificate and a card for each godparent explaining their responsibilities.

The Southwell community seeks to worship God as often as possible.  Each day the school opens with a service, Monday to Thursdays at 8.30am in our All Hallows Chapel.  On Fridays prayers form part of our weekly assembly held in The Great Hall.

Family Services for each House are held on one Sunday a term.  These services have a strong level of student involvement and everyone is encouraged to attend.

Special events in the church calendar are celebrated in the Chapel: Ash Wednesday to mark the beginning of Lent, Christmas Carol Services held prior to the end of our school year, and a special Christmas Day Service for all members of the public to come together.   The Chapel is also a special place for events in the School year such as the Commissioning of Prefects Service, Grandparents’ Day Services and Founders’ Day Service.  New children to Southwell begin their journey in All Hallows Chapel and leave from there in a moving service for Year 8 Leavers on their last day of school.

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