School Rules / Behaviour Management

School Rules / Behaviour Management

It is important that students have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and the behaviours that are acceptable at school.

The Student Code of Conduct and Pastoral Care Network diagram are displayed in all classrooms and houses. These are referred to regularly and are often topics of discussion in our varied learning environments.

Students who choose inappropriate behaviour understand that there is a school-wide step/referral system in place. This system and consequences involved are regularly and clearly communicated to students.

Importantly, at Southwell we reward students for following school rules and acting responsibly across all spheres of their education – informally and formally, inside and outside the classroom.

School rules are often no more than common sense. There are some rules, however, which need to be clearly stated and understood to help the School Community to run smoothly and safely, and others which govern our relationships with the communities of the local area and which exemplify the School’s rules.

When out in public, students should appreciate that by their conduct on such occasions, the whole school is judged. A high standard of behaviour must therefore be maintained. The same rule applies to sports teams or other official school groups travelling together.

Referral System

For minor breaches of discipline, classroom teachers should address and manage behaviour appropriately.

If a student continues to offend they will move to the referral system i.e.:

Teacher Dean Head of Year 0-5 or Head of Year 6-8  Associate Headmaster Headmaster

Incidents are treated case by case. Incidents deemed very serious may go immediately to the Headmaster, whereby he may act with a stand down, suspension or expulsion (via the Trust Board).


Remember to show consideration and tolerance to all members of the School Community and to treat others as you expect to be treated.

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