Daily routine
6.30 am                 Students woken up, optional shower and make beds
7.20 am                              Morning meeting in the Family Room
7.30 am                 Breakfast
8.00 am                 End of breakfast. Students prepare for school
Afternoon/Evening: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (Mondays & Fridays have a separate timetable)
3.30 pm                               Afternoon tea
3.45 pm – 5.30pm       Sport/Prep/Free time at the House Masters’ discretion
5.15pm                  Dinner
6.30pm – 7.45 pm       Prep / Free time or organised activities at the House Masters’ discretion.
Phoning on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
7.45 pm                 Evening routines
8.15 pm                 All children in bed and quiet reading
8.30 pm                 Lights out
Weekend Routine
 All boarders go home for weekends; either after school on Fridays from 3:20 pm onwards or after sport on Saturdays. Boarders who do not have sports fixtures on Saturdays may stay in on Friday nights if there are other boarders staying overnight in order to play matches on the Saturday. Otherwise parents will be asked to collect their children on Friday afternoon.
Boarders staying in on Friday and who are not playing sport need to be picked up before 10:00 am on Saturday.
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