Our Southwell Sports programme is divided into two categories; Southwell Sport and Southwell Club Sport.
Southwell Club Sport (External Competitions)
Southwell Club Sport will see selected teams, across various codes, entered into local external competitions and involved in our traditional Independent School Sports Fixtures. The fundamentals of this sporting option focuses on developing and extending athletes across codes; developing transferable physical and social skills in a competitive environment. These teams will be selected based on skills, attitude and effort from school trials. Trials are open to ANY student in Years 7 or 8 who wish to be considered for selection.
Our competitive Southwell Club Sports Options for Term 1 & 4, will consist of:
Tuesday 2.30 – 3.20pm, Thursday 3.30 – 4.20pm sport practices
Boy’s Cricket, Girl’s Cricket, Softball, Touch, Tennis, Basketball
Please Note: Girl’s Cricket play Wednesday afternoons, Training Wednesday Lunchtime.
Southwell Sport (Internal Competition)
Southwell Sport will allow students to select, learn, play and compete in a variety of sporting codes played internally within our Southwell community. This option focuses on developing fundamental physical and social skills that can be transferred across sporting codes in line with our competitive ‘Club’ option. Weekly Southwell Sport sessions will be split between a training session and an internal competition session. Â
Southwell Sport Term 1 & 4, will consist of:
Tuesday 2.30 – 3.20pm, Thursday 3.30 – 4.20pm sport practices
Cross Sport, Badminton, Volleyball, Aqua Activities .
Parent support with coaching and managing. We welcome and require parents who are able to offer their time to coaching or managing. Parents allow our sports programme to offer more teams and more opportunities to our children.
Students will require the appropriate sports gear and equipment for their chosen code.
Additional Sports on offer through Term 1 & 4 are:
Water Polo, Inline Hockey, Boy’s Lacrosse and Equestrian..
For any information or advice please contact:
Paul Norman – Acting Head of Sport & PE – paul.norman@southwell.school.nz
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